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Thursday, September 15, 2005

What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?

Good afternoon. The posts of this blog have been slightly revised to bring them up to our current, pro-Bush standards of discourse. That aside, they're exactly as sensible and sane as any entries that appeared in previous months.

I do not agree in any way, shape or form with this entry by Oliver Willis, in which he says to his party, the democrats:

This is a new world, folks, and simply because you’re on the minority doesn’t allow you to slide by voting for bad things. John Roberts may be a perfectly amiable guy, but he’s a stone cold conservative that believes in an ideology that dismantles a lot of what we hold dear. You may want him helping out with the little league team — but not on the supreme court.

I really think if any of you are serious about ‘08 or want to be brought in from the cold on that day when Dems regain a Senate majority - you need to vote no on him, and vote no on the right-wing agenda whenever it comes up (that means estate tax, income tax, social security, and foreign policy among others).

I am glad to see Mr. Willis has finally gotten on the bandwagon that this is a new world since 9/11, but it's unfortunate that he still doesn't realize that the majority is always right, except when they've been misled by our biased media.

That's how we know that The Brothers Grimm is such a major cinematic accomplishment--it's made $33.3 mil, so it must be good, right?

George Bush says that Americans have liked what they've seen in John Roberts, and that's good enough for me. I mean, I know some liberal cream puffs like the so-called People for the "American Way" have raised their effete little fingers in objection, but that's probably because they know he could hit a ball further than they can, the little pussies. Chief Justice Roberts is going to bring us back to what we used to be in the 1950s, when everybody lived just like Leave It To Beaver; it'll be a paradise on earth come again.

Ollie knows the democrats aren't going to yield a serious candidate in '08 because they don't have serious candidates, all they have is a bunch of schoolchildren. Fighting the War On Terror and letting the wealthiest one percent of Americans keep their money is a job that requires grown-ups, and Republicans have got a lock on that, as this photo proves.

I only hope Mr. Willis will show the grace, and inspire the pride, that our legitimately elected leader did when he accepted responsibility for all the screw-ups that may or may not even be his fault. I, for one, wiped away a tear.

Now, off to listen to some good-old-fashioned down home country music, real music, without synthesizers, just the way God intended it.

ETA: Lil' Joshua bleats something else about how the democrats aren't hitting Republicans who supported President's Bush's wrongly maligned plan to save Social Security hard enough. Jeez, Josh, work and play well with others much?

Many, many Republicans who will be in competitive races next year came out for this disastrous idea, which is now deeply unpopular pretty much across the country. And with very few exceptions -- I'll give Santorum his due on this one -- they ran away from like scurrying rats as soon as it became clear that the president couldn't protect them and the public wouldn't stand for it.

Their own actions and words convict them twice-over. They stood up for terrible policy and then they switched or ran away from their position as soon as it was expedient. So they're happy to sell out their constituents and lack principle. They're flipfloppers.

Are we only willing to win the defensive phase of this battle?

Yeah, Josh. Because the best offense is a good defense. Everybody knows that.

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