The missing pieces...
2. We see a detective in a vicious fight with a killer's helper, a woman, who leaves him for dead until he angrily shouts after her and she turns and walks back to him... a scene from Saw III.
For a flick which includes clockwork racks that slowly twist people's limbs off, it's saying something that a woman simply tilting her head may be the most chilling moment.
The detective, BTW, is played by Donnie Wahlberg, the then once and future; now present New Kid on the block.
4. The evil killer is ambushed by the FBI and exploded into many parts...and that's the first thing that happens. the opening scene from Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday. It's the first and last (at least, intentionally) fun thing that happens in the whole picture.
But it is kinda fun. It starts out looking like a scene that could've come from any of the first fistful of Fridays:
Young woman, lights go out, takes shower. Jason attacks, chases her through the woods. Then when they reach a large clearing, suddenly flood lights go on--and Jason is surrounded by FBI sharpshooters who open fire, dropping a bomb on him from above just to be on the safe side.
As I say, it's kinda fun. Unfortunately, the movie is 87 minutes long.
5. A woman who, as a child, played in one of the only later parts of a thriller series worth a damn, plays a girl almost half her age in a remake of the first. a fun fact from Halloween (the 2007 version). The woman is who was in 4 and 5 as a child before returning to play in Rob Zombie's adaptation as an adult. She'll also be in Zombie's sequel, which unlike his Halloween has a chance of being greater than its source. It being not exactly difficult to be a better movie than Halloween II, which brings me to:
6. A nurse is drowned in a (scalding) hot tub.
...would be a scene from Halloween II (directed by Rick Rosenthal).
Fun facts: Lance Guest, seen a few years ago on an episode of House, but known to fans of silly, enjoyable Sci-Fi as the lead in Last Starfighter plays a hapless would-be savior in this movie. How hapless? Well, he's taken out of the picture when he slips on a pool of blood...
The director of Last Starfighter played The Shape in the first Halloween movie.
Unfortunately for Guest, this would not be the worst horror sequel in which he would appear...
7. An actor who will go on to be a star in a popular television series is about to kill a man. Asked why, he answers, "It's the rules." And then another man, despite having been shot recently, beats him to death.
Is a scene from Saw ; the actor in question is Michael Emerson, now better known for starring on Lost in the role of Benjamin Linus. You gotta love that character name--part mine, part that of my favorite blanket-clinger.
I don't watch Lost, which may be for the best because at this point, I still can't look at Emerson without hearing "It's the rules." See for yourself. Oh, BTW, as ever:
If you haven't seen Saw and think there's a chance you ever might, don't watch this clip.
9. A magic ritual is disrupted when the virgin recruited for it turns out to be, well, not so much of a virgin as she at first said... a scene from Monster Squad.
11. A cherished boyhood icon is raped.
Well I'm not surprised you didn't get that, it was in fact a trick question.
12. A dapper movie star spanks a woman in public, in order to create a distraction so another woman and a baby can hide.
On the director's commentary it says that actress was calling up all her girlfriends and telling them:
"I'm going to be spanked by Clive Owen!"
13. You know all those movies and television shows you've seen where a character is locked into a room with the walls closing together? They always manage to stop the walls or get out before being crushed, don't they? ...Not this time.
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