I like it, though, not because she is wearing sexy clothing, but because of the sweet n' lovely expression on her face.
Here's a sobering thought: For appearing in and on the magazine, which edition does not feature nudity, Early was questioned more than once at Jakarta police headquarters last year because of her "indecent" poses.
She may actually have been charged with a crime. I say "may have," because after an (admittedly, somewhat perfunctory) Yahoo! search I was only able to find reports of her interrogation and probable charge, not what came after.
After her second interrogation, she said
Saya tidak bersalah...Saya nggak down. Harus tetap semangat. Karena saya punya keluarga dan teman-teman yang terus memberi dukunganWhich translates to:
I have done nothing wrong...I don’t feel down, I have to keep upbeat. I have a family and friends who continue to give me support.
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