It's called "Shapeshifter," and it's a straight-to-video movie that also runs periodically on the Sci-Fi channel. It came on v. early this morning, and I wasn't gonna stay awake for it, but I did slam a tape in the VCR (I still have one) and press record.
Why did I do this? Because the heroine of the feature is one Miss Jennifer Lee Wiggins. She's a TV/horror movie/"bad girl" actress; a current infatuation of mine.

For obvious reasons.
I won't kid you: The film is only average for its type-and the direction makes Kevin Smith look like Frank Darabont, especially when it comes to knowing what to do with actors. But Jennifer Lee is good and assertive,

in a role which is both over and under-written, in the way of many a "grind house" picture (which this basically is).
But here's what struck me so strange. Early on in the film, about two-three minutes in, there's a scene where an apparently loose woman is seen topless. (That woman is not Miss Wiggins, and to tell you the truth I've got mixed feelings about that.)
...anyway, because this is basic-cable-television, the woman's breasts were pixilated. This is fine-well not fine, but no less than I expected. What I did not expect was that the next 82 minutes would be filled with such free-flowing gushing blood n' gore.
Scenes of intestines and other innards being clawed out and eaten, heads splattered against concrete prison floors, the works. Seriously-it was worse (from a "gratuitous" violence perspective) than any bad Stephen King adaptation, The Howling or Jaws sequel I've ever seen.
And you're telling me that's ok to show on basic cable, even early in the morning, where anybody and their nephew could be watching it. But a pair of woman's breasts, a part of the female body which is nothing but good (and on so many levels!)...that, that we have to be protected from.
God, I loathe this culture.
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