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Sunday, February 26, 2006

Right early, right often

Firedoglake's Jane Hamsher shows once again why she and Redd are the right-on chicks of the blogsphere with an entry about the importance of remembering just who was wrong, and who was right, about the Iraq conflict.

Read it, and follow the links she provides to Wolcott and BTCNews, but here's her conclusion:
Until someone can point out the inherent logic to me of the John Dickerson's of the world who have concluded that we early opponents of the war were wrong to be right even as the warmongers were right in their wrongness, I think it's valid to keep harping on the scorecard. If not only to knock the struts out from underneath the GOP's plan to run on "national security" in 2006, then surely to figure out who should be listened to from here on in based on who has had a clear-eyed vision of this mess from the start, as distinct from those who most certainly have not.

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