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Sunday, February 12, 2006

I almost had a witty pop culture reference

... to make about this Crooks and Liars entry, but I couldn't think of an entire one. All I know is, it's: Something something "Joss Whedon" something. Anyway, C & L has two or three articles saying how Bush conservatives really and truly are unwilling to hear criticism of their leader. They think America is George W. Bush, and vice-versa.

For them, even to be subjected to the idea that "Bush is off course" is traumatic and wrong. Such an opinion has no place at a "conservative" event, where only praise and reverence of the Commander-in-Chief is appropriate. One sees this time and again: "conservatism" these days very rarely has anything to do with actual conservative principles of government and has come to be distorted shorthand for "George Bush follower."

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