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Monday, August 15, 2005

Mystery right-wing Christian theocracy theatre 3000

A conservative blogger named Bill Hobbs live-blogged the protesters outside "Justice Sunday II" in my favorite state. He asked some questions that deserve answering. For example, under a photo of a woman holding a sign with the words "American Medial Technology?" and a picture of a coat hanger, and then the words, "never again," Hobbs writes:

I agree with this woman's sign. We should never ever have another back-alley abortion performed with a coat-hanger. But if that's wrong, how does replacing the coat hangar with a doctor's tools and the alley with an operating room make it morally acceptable?

Um...because the one is dangerous, unsanitary and risks the mother's life, and the other is a medical procedure performed by a trained professional with every precaution taken? I mean I'm just spitballing here, but that's what I think the difference is.

Egalia comments:

One young woman held an ‘Outlaw Viagra, Not Abortion’ (a.k.a. slice men’s reproductive rights for a change) sign. Conservative blogger Bill Hobbs didn't get it. He posted a picture of her and commented: "There's always a man-hating poster at a left wing protest."

Another blogger calling himself "The Captain" (make of that what you will) shows a similar degree of not-getting-it, no play on words intended.

Apparently, women can have a choice to have a baby or not, but men can't choose to have an erection

Proving once again that men may or may not have a sense of humor, but there's nothing funny about our penises. There's nothing funny about penises at all. Really. Ask any woman.

And besides, they're both missing the most important point, which is that the chick in the jeans with the red top is fucking hot.

Getting back to Mr. Hobbs, he then goes on to show that the Tennesseeans' gift of being able to read someone's mind by looking at their picture is not limited to Bill Frist, who could not only do that, he could diagnose someone's medical condition.

Under another photograph, Hobbs writes:

The guy on the left seems to want religious people to stay out of politics, though I bet if you asked him he wouldn't mind Left-wing religious people staying involved in politics. The lady on the right holding the "Pro-Child/Pro-Choice" sign probably never looked at her own kids and said, "I love you, buddyboo, but I'm so glad I had the right to kill you if I wanted to!"

"I bet." "Probably." Not being in Tennessee, my powers are stronger (on so many levels). So I can tell you with the same level of accuracy or better, and without even looking at any pictures of them, that "the Captain" hasn't gotten any in a decade and Bill Hobbs beats his kids.

I bet. Probably.

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