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Friday, August 12, 2005

Writings that are likely to come back and bite you in the ass

A couple of months ago, our friend James "the" Mann wrote in his blog:

Finally, a rightwing site that doesn't look like an insane asylum. Redstate.org seems to be a levelheaded sort of place, but then again, I've only read one article...

Demonstrating once again the truth of the old addage, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

Today, someone at that site (via The News Blog) called Cindy Sheehan a whore.

Enter August, no major news, and a media still smarting over the President's re-election despite everything they threw at him. Cindy Sheehan returns entering stage right -- this time a left wing media whore in the form of a grieving mother.

It's worth remembering that rightwing sites in general, and redstate.org in specific, had no trouble playing off Gannon/Guckert as "an objective, professional journalist."

So, let's review. To the rightwing sites:

Cindy Sheehan, a grieving mother who lost her son in Iraq=whore.
Gannon/Guckert, who performed sexual favors for money=not a whore.

There are no sane, levelheaded rightwing sites, James.

PS: Oh! And get this! No major news? The president embarking on a five-week-vacation at a time of war isn't major news? A chief mouthpiece of the administration having a meltdown on television isn't major news? Bush's numbers dropping further with every poll isn't major news? Peter Jennings dying isn't major news? A CIA commander saying we let Bin Laden get away isn't major news?

Man. Those poor rightwing sites. The world in which they live must be absolutely frenzied if none of that even merits a blip on the radar.

There are no sane, levelheaded rightwing sites, James.

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