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Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Testing the limits of tolerance/Who's Going To Be Arrested First?

A columnist named Debra J. Saunders weighs in on reports of the war. Inexplicably, the following excerpts are from a column that appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle--I didn't know we allowed such gullible fools to spout off there...

If the American Revolution were fought amidst all this nay-saying, America would be a British colony today. Don't take my word for it. "1776" author David McCullough recently told CNBC's Tim Russert that if the Revolutionary War had been covered by today's media, "and the country had seen how horrible the conditions were, how badly things were being run by the officers and what a very serious soup we were in, I think that would have been it, too."

Yes, but the Revolutionary War wasn't fought over a lie.

Which is what makes Cindy Sheehan's encampment in Texas so bizarre: No one can be unmoved by Sheehan's horrific loss. That said, Bush didn't kill her son. Casey Sheehan died at age 24 at the hands of men who routinely slaughter innocent children and civilians on principle.

That's true--there is a big difference. Bush routinely slaughters innocent children and civilians on no principle whatsoever.

If Bush did what Cindy Sheehan wants him to do, not only would some 1,800 soldiers have died in Iraq for no reason --

Too late.

worse, their deaths will have served the unhappy function of signaling to terrorists that if they kill enough U.S. troops, the White House will cut and run.


As the major noted, if Americans pushed for a pullout in the wake of bad news reports, "That would be a shame. I would hope most of my colleagues and friends in the Bay Area, even some who may have opposed the war initially," realize the benefit in completing the mission and "are now saying we should see this through."

Ok, lemme stop this "Mystery War Theatre 3000" thing I got going and go serious on you for a second. I know that a lot of people who opposed the war have been doing some soul searching, trying to figure out if there is any way to make, as they say, a silk purse from the cow's ear.

I did some thinking about it myself, and the conclusion I've come to is this: No. Not as long as Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are in charge. They are utter incomptents, and the only "shame" is the one growing every single day we don't pull out of Iraq.

Take your toys out of the sand and wait until the big boys are ready to play responsibly, fellas.

ETA: Bob Harris points out that Bush is probably going to arrest Cindy Sheehan. Osama Bin Laden, however, remains free.

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