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Sunday, January 29, 2006

I say yes, but I may mean no

There seems to be a growing chance of an anti-Alito filibuster. A couple of days ago, John at AmericaBlog posted about why he doesn't necessarily support the idea. Not because he think Alito is good, certainly, but because:

I support a filibuster of Alito IF - IF, IF, IF, IF, IF - the multi-million dollar liberal non-profits and the Democratic and moderate Republican Senators organize a true CAMPAIGN to convince the American public that a filibuster is necessary and good.

...it's possible to remain a Democrat and win, but you can't just vote the right way, you have to create an environment in which the public agrees with and supports your vote.

Unfortunately, that didn't, and isn't, happening with this Alito confirmation. The big non-profits got millions, and what do we have to show for it? The Democratic Senators held a week of hearings, and other than Joe Biden's chance to bloviate as usual in front of the cameras, what did they accomplish?

John's a smart guy and his point is well taken. I wish the "liberal" "Democratic" "Senators" had been handling things differently for a few years now. It's just, I'm afraid, this is our last and chance to stop a man so far out of the mainstream you can't even see him on the shore being appointed.

Egalia at TGW has a good roundup of entries on the chances for an anti-Alito filibuster.

Bob Fertik over at Democrats.com says, the senators are 'freaking out' cause they're getting so many calls for a filibuster. They've "turned off their DC phones and their voicemails are full."

The intensity of the internet response on this has been beyond belief," georgia10 told RAW STORY in an email. "Constituents have raised so much support for the filibuster--Senators' mailboxes are full, inboxes are overflowing, fax machines are running out of paper, and phone lines are ringing off the hook. Considering each internet activist represents not only their own concerns, but the concerns of millions of Americans, the support for a filibuster is astounding."

[D]espite what a few polls have shown, Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas insists that it's not just liberal Democrats backing the effort.

"This is probably the most united I've ever seen the Democratic establishment, that is, Democrats without offices in the U.S. Senate. Even the DLC is calling for a filibuster. Center, left, right -- all corners of the party agree," Kos blogged on Saturday.

Can you believe it? We might actually see some fighting Dems. Yeah, I'm not holding my breath, but I am making the calls.

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