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Friday, April 28, 2006

They had to say "go down," didn't they?

So...what with:

  • Cheney continually embarassing the White House
  • Protesters keeping Bush from making appointments
  • Jenna and Barbara whining like babies
  • Bush's performance approval rating down to 32%
  • A majority of the military wanting Rumsfeld replaced
  • And censure or even impeachment seeming like a real possibility

...seems like it's been a pretty good week for the Doves, doesn't it?

But, I know what you're saying. You're saying, if only there was an actual, honest to god Republican sex-for-favors scandal.

Well, guess what.

There's an actual honest to god Republican sex-for-favors scandal.

But, I know what you're saying, again: If only The Watergate Hotel were involved.

Well, guess what.

The Watergate Hotel is involved.

About five months ago, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported that lobbyist Brent Wilkes (co-conspirator #1 in the Duke Cunningham scanal) knew how to "grease the wheels" of Congress with cash, gifts, favors, and yes, "hospitality suites":

Wilkes befriended other legislators, too. He ran a hospitality suite, with several bedrooms, in Washington - first in the Watergate Hotel and then in the Westin Grand near Capitol Hill.

Ken Silverstein at Harper's blog dropped a bombshell last night about just how far-reaching the scandal may be, revealing that the FBI is investigating former lawmakers, including "one person who now holds a powerful intelligence post." TPM Muckraker points out that CIA Director Porter Goss fits that description perfectly. Silverstein also disclosed that there are pictures.

And let us not forget that, at this point, it is a Republican sex scandal. Porter Goss, if you'll recall, was a highly partisan Republican lawmaker for fifteen years before he was tapped as CIA Director. And Justin Rood over at TPM Muckraker thinks that the prostitution ring could lasted about fifteen years.

Is the CIA Director involved in a D.C. prostitution ring? (It's so surreal just to type that question out). In refusing to investigate the CIA leak case, Goss famously proclaimed "Somebody sends me a blue dress and some DNA, I'll have an investigation."

...one thing is certain, as evidence comes to light, this scandal is going to be blown wide open, and there's no telling who or how many Republicans will go down.

Is it my birthday?

Source: Daily Kos.

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