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Friday, April 28, 2006

From XYZ to Women III

...which is actually the lyric to an OMD song that has little to do with anything here, but I couldn't think of a headline for this alphabetically inclined Meme, which I scooped up at Shakes' place...

Accent: So far as I'm concerned, I don't have one, but I amuse myself by imagining people who don't live on the West Coast might say I have a Californian one (which means like Pauly Shore). I also sometimes hear myself slipping into an English accent, but that's just the result of too many Monty Python records.

Booze: Rarely, but when I do I'm the cheapest drunk in the world. I'm so lightweight I enjoy Coronas and wine coolers.

Chore I Hate: If you'd ever seen my apartment, you wouldn't need to ask that question.

Dog or Cat: Cat. I enjoy playing with other people's dogs, though, if they're happy.

Essential Electronics: Computer; DVD player, TV, CD/casette player.

Favorite Cologne: Don’t wear any.

Gold or Silver: Gold. By Spandau Ballet.

Hometown: I lived up and down the Silicon Valley the first 25 years of my life, but I consider Palo Alto my hometown.

Insomnia: Yes, but I take pills.

Job Title: Writer, unless by job you mean something that somebody actually pays me to do.

Kids: None, but I'm babysitting my "common-law stepnephew" (long story) this weekend, which I'm a little but nervous about, actually.

Living Arrangements: Upstairs apartment with two cats.

Most Admirable Traits: Wit. Enthusiasm.

Number of Sexual Partners: 11.

Overnight Hospital Stays: None since I was born. Oh, unless you count the week I spent in the mental ward (also, a long story).

Phobias: Spiders. I saw Tarantula at a bad age.

Quote: "A mind is like a parachute...if you don't pack it right, it'll fail to work properly, and you'll plummet to your violent, bloody death."

Religion: None organized. I would descibe myself as an agnostic who leans towards beliving, but has such disdain for almost all of those who call themselves religious that I would sooner be dropped into a pit of spiders than align myself with them.

Siblings: None, except for two big sisters I created for my stage play/screenplays/novel in progress...

Time I Wake Up: Usually before 10.

Unusual Talent or Skill: =)

Vegetable I Love: Actually, I enjoy the celery. It's all Peter Davison's fault. And carrots, for which we can blame Bugs Bunny.

Worst Habit: Near-toxic cynicism.

X-Rays: Of my teeth, too often.

Yummy Foods I Make: I don't "make" foods, I'm a cliched bachelor in that respect. I do, however, pour a mean bowl of cereal (I could live on Special K).

Zodiac Sign: Virgo, but it means nothing...I refer you to the number "11" above.

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