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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A couple of notes on recent TV watching

One: As if I needed another reason to hate The L Word...they just killed off one of their major characters; she had contracted breast cancer. Since I had no emotional investment in the character-she was little miss "I'm gay, and when I deny that I deny the best part of me..." in the first season-that's not my new reason to hate it.

From what I saw, it was no better or worse than your average "death of a major character" episode. But-following the episode, they showed a 10 minute bit of self-congratulatory bullshit about how-quote-"groundbreaking" the episode was, and how "the loss of the character reminds us of the true heroes..." (women who are battling breast cancer).

As someone whose mother had breast cancer, and her recovery from it was the strongest thing I have ever seen her do. And as someone who values subtlety in his art and entertainment, and real sentiment as opposed to Hallmark.

To the writers of The L Word: Go back to bed, would you please!

Two: They also killed off one of my heroes on 24 last night, someone I actually did have five seasons worth of investment in. BASTARDS!

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