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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Politics, as usual

Or "Ok, the triple-C (corruption; controversy in Chicago) thing." As I see it, the most important thing about all of this is how the Republicans and what is sometimes called the "mainstream media" are falling all over themselves.

They're trying to paint Obama with it only with very little...oh, what is the phrase...oh yeah: Proof.

A writer named Bob Cesca has a good post on this up at Huffington.
It began yesterday with the RNC demanding to know the full extent of the president-elect's relationship with Blagojevich even though Patrick Fitzgerald was perfectly clear about the relationship when he said on national television that the president-elect had nothing to do with any of it. But to suggest that the former junior senator from Illinois never communicated with the governor of Illinois is ridiculous on its face -- of course there was the usual level of professional communication there, though it entirely fails to prove or even implicate any corruption on the part of Barack Obama. Then again, since when does reality matter?

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