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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Be Responsible - Look Good in a Swimsuit

Summer is fast approaching. Thoughts turn to warm weather, outdoor activities and the summer wardrobe - shorts, sleeveless shirts and the dreaded swimsuit.

So, what does that have to do with personal responsibility? Well, as much as I prefer to promote physical activity for its many health benefits, I reluctantly accept the fact that many of you are more focused on your immediate concerns - fitting into last year's clothing or how you're going to look in a bathing suit. However, it just so happens that the most effective way to decrease body fat, tone up, and boost your self esteem will also improve your health and quality of life, lower your risk for many diseases and help reduce health care costs.

Yep, you've heard it before. A lifestyle shift, which includes proper nutrition and regular exercise, is the safest, healthiest and most effective approach to long-term weight management. Unfortunately, as long as people prefer to believe the exorbitant, quick fix claims of late night infomercials, they will remain frustrated, overweight and unhealthy.

Weight training will not only improve your muscle tone but will also strengthen your muscles and bones, which can help prevent osteoporosis and help you maintain your independence as you age. Brisk walking and other types of aerobic workouts are linked with a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes. Obviously, both types of exercise burn calories and can help you lose weight. Research has also shown that regular physical activity lowers the risk of colon and breast cancers, stroke, dementia, and depression- just to name a few.

The cost of health care continues to rise. More and more of us are facing ever increasing premiums, deductibles and co-pays. Some workers with no coverage through their jobs can't afford insurance at all so the number of uninsured Americans continues to grow. There is no doubt that changes need to be made to our health care system. However, it is equally important that Americans acknowledge the fact that unhealthy lifestyle choices and behaviors such as poor diet, smoking and inactivity affect the development and progression of many chronic conditions and diseases. For too many of us, our way of life not only diminishes our mental, physical and emotional well-being but contributes to the skyrocketing cost of medical care as well.

Do your part. Take responsibility for your health and look good in a swimsuit. ;-)

By Mickey Glick

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