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Friday, September 26, 2008

Hello, Ben.

(being the first in a planned series of four posts trying to write something a little more penetrating about why I think it is that I've become so enamored--some would say obsessed--with the Saw films)

(If you don't know, a recurring themes in the Saw films are people finding tapes that address them directly. This is why I begin this one with)

Hello, Ben.

I want you to think about something. I want you to think about why a film series originating from one described as-

A twisted and gory horror film that's not for the squeamish
--has become one whose next installment you are so eagerly awaiting. Why do you love them so much that they've become some of your favorites? You are squeamish about gore...so maybe it's the twisted nature of the films that appeals to you? Is it the twists...?

For a lot of people, I think, it's about the plethora of little traps within each movie...but for you it's about the big traps. The ones you don't see until the final moments of the movie when you (or more properly, the characters) find out that the game they think they've been playing...isn't.

Or is it that there is still an idea at the center of the Saw movies...unlike your Texas Chainsaw Massacre remakes and Scream 3s. And that idea is: Don't take your life for granted. Don't waste it.

In his deranged Zen-master/cool kind of way, Jigsaw/John argues for changing your life. But here, let him explain it.

(fair warning: This gives away the ending of the first Saw, if you care).

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