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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Oh look. Rocks.

89% Mike Gravel
89% Barack Obama
88% John Edwards
86% Dennis Kucinich
85% Chris Dodd
84% Hillary Clinton
84% Joe Biden
73% Bill Richardson
42% Rudy Giuliani
28% John McCain
24% Mitt Romney
23% Mike Huckabee
22% Ron Paul
22% Tom Tancredo
12% Fred Thompson

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz

My third time taking (yet another) "presidential candidate matching quiz" quiz moves Mike Gravel up a couple of spots. Too bad I still don't know much about him, isn't it?

On the bright side, he's tied for number one with Barack Obama who, if his lead continues in New Hampshire, just might be the nominee. I'm pretty OK with that, I like the same things about Obama that everyone likes, and I have the same questions that everyone has.

John Edwards seems to be a perennial third-place candidate for me in these quizzes, which always surprises me given that he's the one I actually like the most. As I do in Edwards, I also find much to admire in his daughter Cate, and not just her hotness. His wife's not bad either.

Hillary Clinton remains at number six. There was a time when I thought all dissatisfaction with Hillary Clinton stemmed from sexism. I think that's still probably a significant part of it.

But I've also had enough questions raised in my mind about her character that have nothing to do with the fact she has a vagina, or to whom she's married, to be dissatisfied with her. Just because conservatives bash you, doesn't make you a hero.

As a side note, this story suggests another reason why Hillary Clinton wasn't as inevitable as the media assumed: Voters are tired of voting for Bushes and Clintons. Any voter over 50 has seen one, both, or the other name on the ballot every election year for almost 30 years.

Possible GOP nominee Mike Huckabee is up a couple of spots to my number 12, but still below Giuliani and McCain in the Republican-I-might-not-shoot-myself sweepstakes.

I don't think I could ever vote for a Republican (though I'll never say never), but Giuliani and McCain I'm less likely not to vote for, if you see what I mean.

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