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Friday, October 20, 2006

John McCain shows why he is in no way a joke who has sacrificed any and all respect he was due as a war hero on the altar of his petty, petty ambition

The "good" republican still has a plan for how we might achive victory in Iraq, if anyone is interested in listening. It comes down to basically two words: More troops! But, to re-state my question of just a few weeks shy of a year ago: Where you gonna get 'em, John?

We don't have any more troops. And there doesn't exactly seem to be a flood of would-be future dead soldiers showing up at the recruitment office. Proving the truth of the old saying you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

Of course, there is a way countries can forcibly swell the ranks of their armies if need be. I mean, if they really and truly believe victory is possible and necessary. But, as McCain and his ilk well know, the only thing that could possibly make the combat in Iraq less popular would be if they re-instated a draft.

So we're left with this serious and not-at-all politically motivated plan from the "good" republican, which Unclaimed Territory has summed up like this:
....John McCain's bold, straight-talking Plan for Victory in Iraq is to wait for Rich Lowry, Jonah Goldberg, Peter Beinert and Glenn Reynolds to realize how Western Civilization Hangs in the Balance in Iraq and that only more troops can save us. And once they realize that, they are going to stand up bravely and risk their lives in combat in Iraq -- waves and waves and waves of them -- and that will fortify our military presence there and we will win. Waiting for a big thunderbolt from the sky to strike down the Insurgents seems like a more probable and rational plan.

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