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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

This is truly bizarre

And I'm not even sure what to say about it, but it needs to be brought up and talked about. In recent days, conservatives have actually been joining the debate on impeachment-and arguing in favor of it.

Not because Bush is a crook.
Not because he was completely wrong (if we are being very, very generous) about Iraq.
Not because he is to ethics what...actually, he bears no comparision to ethics.
Not because he's a liar.

No, they can't impeach him for any of those things, because they can't admit they were wrong (or that anyone else was right) about those things. But, they do see the need for the Republican party to rid themselves of this crooked, wrongheaded, anti-ethical liar if they are to gain any hope of retaining their snakebite hold on the branches of government.

So, you know what they need? They need an out. They need something that really only they care that much about. But that they care about so much that if Bush crosses them on it, they can throw him under a train without guilt. And without feeling like us godless commie liberals have "won."

Which is the other thing stopping them from impeaching him for the fistfuls of legitimate reasons he's given us-Tom's got a little list (he's got a little list).

But where would they find such an out?

Ladies and gentlemen: Illegal immigrants. How seriously does the rightwing take this issue? So seriously they're talking about stealing an idea from the Nazis. So...seriously, indeed.

ETA-Yes! He's back! The fella advocating for a return to the good old days when at least the trains ran on time is none other than:

The great (and stylish) Vox "Why women's rights are wrong" Day.

Some of you ladies may remember Mr. Day; if not, I encourage you to use the 'search" function above...

ETA again-Or as Jeff Fecke put it on Shakespeare's Sister:
It's what they've needed all along--a reason to abandon Bush. And now they've got it, wrapped up in a neat little bow. No, for John Hinderaker and LaShawn Barber and Michelle Malkin, this isn't about immigration. It's about paying Bush back for making them look like idiots for supporting him. And payback's a bitch.

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