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Thursday, March 8, 2007

What's The Connection?

Okay. You know how if you purchase and/or review things on Amazon, they occasionally send you e-mails of similar items they're hoping you'll buy from them as well? I don't mind this at all, actually.

Though I've rarely if ever bought something based on their recommendations, it has led me to order a book or two from the library that I might otherwise not have tried.

They also give you a little note saying "Recommended because you purchased or rated..." And I can usually understand the logic.

I reviewed Ed McBain's final novel, so they recommend new editions of his work. Ditto for having reviewed Simon Callow's book on Orson Welles-I get recommendations for other books about Welles or other figures who worked in and/or against the Hollywood system.

All makes sense, right? Fine. See if you can understand these:

Four years ago, I purchased from Amazon a two-disc best of Hall & Oates collection. I enjoy it to this day (almost literally-I was listening to it just yesterday or the day before).

But I'm at a loss as to understand why this purchase would lead them to believe I might also be interested in the Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest (Two-Disc Special Edition) DVD.

Similarly, I reviewed the book Fools Rush In : Steve Case, Jerry Levin, and the Unmaking of AOL Time Warner.

What about this led to my being recommended a book described as "designed to help you grab hold of a God-centered life?"

Is it me, or could Evel Knievel not make that leap (to paraphrase Bill Engvall)?

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